Community, Empowerment, Employment and Training (CEET) is a not-for-profit organisation supporting communities to become empowered, CEET recognises that the very things that create disadvantage – poverty, lack of educational opportunity, unemployment, social attitudes and a lack of both mental and physical wellbeing – also create barriers to bringing about the empowerment that is one of the key ingredients for accomplishing real change. Many of our communities, particularly those facing high levels of disadvantage, will need support to help them build the skills, confidence, networks and resources they require on the journey towards becoming more empowered. We call this community capacity building.
CEET’s vision is to support the social integration of people disadvantaged through disabilities, health issues, ethnicity, and age – especially, but not limited to those not in education employment or training (NEETs) - of all backgrounds regardless of race, gender or sexuality to be empowered.
We strongly believe a strong community is a place of opportunity.